Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pink Ladies ...p117

Papére Making Pink Ladies
Pink Ladies were the celebratory toast of choice at my Grandpa Lou's & Grandma Alma's home on Christmas Eve (and sometimes New Year's) all the while I was growing up and has been ritualistically prepared and served up by a male annually at one of our homes since.

So shock it was this year when no male volunteered to take up this honored tradition of bartending the Pink Ladies....  turns out we decided no one really likes them, it's just something we continue with in order to connect with the Lous before us....  it is the process of watching the eldest gentleman concoct something unusual rather than the consuming of this pepto-bismol colored, sugary, frothy drink that we all like.

But when push came to shove, I couldn't let it go, and minutes before the New Year struck, I broke tradition and became the first female to concoct the libation.

The directions are somewhat vague, and my memory of how they did it, even vaguer, so it was a good thing only one person watched me (and that, a perfect stranger - thank you, Bucky, maybe you are meant to continue this!), and no pictures captured the comedy.  I am assuming when they say "mixer" they don't mean blender....  The blender worked fine until I added the Ginger Ale.  Well, you can imagine the mess I made....BUT I did successfully fill about 10 little glasses with the concoction, which the critic proclaimed almost perfect (ha! she wasn't in the kitchen!) - Vernor's Ginger Ale, which, like us, originated in Detroit, would have made them "perfect."  After finding about 9 half-full glasses remaining in the kitchen, my sister and I concluded that maybe, just maybe, some traditions are not meant to be carried on....

Sorry, Papére!  Peut-être l'année prochaine!  Somehow mom's words rang in my ears that night, "If Louie had been here...."  I would love for someone - male or female to comment with the correct preparation technique.

Hardy Appetit!

In a one-quart mixer (not blender):

1 shot of cream
3-4 shots of Grenadine
1 tsp powdered sugar
5 shots Gin

Balance the rest (of the quart) with Ginger Ale.

Cool in shaved ice.


  1. I didn't know it was a male tradition! That's funny. They are pretty disgusting... but I can see why you still make them :)

  2. Sounds like it might be most fun for the bartender :) , concocting and then chuckling at the victims of the drink. Looks like Papere is having a blast.
    I think I'll still try this drink out anyway as the only thing Gin tastes good with to me is Ginger Ale. Thanks
