
Friday, May 28, 2010

Indian Chicken Curry ...p57

I've never tried to blend my own curry spices, didn't do so this time, but the recipe itself seemed close enough by combining yellow curry with a load of other spices.  Next time I might "kick it up a notch" by blending Emeril Lagasse's curry recipe.

I happen to love curry; my husband disdains it at home, but he will enjoy it cooked in an authentic Indian restaurant.  I hope that doesn't reflect on my [lack of] ability to make a good curry.  That being said, the whole family enjoyed this recipe.  I do think I may have let it simmer a bit too long rendering it thicker than I am used to with curry. 

My 5-yr. old grandson ate with us - reluctantly at first - didn't want his curry on his rice and didn't want the curry at all.  Until his highly-esteemed Uncle Jon sprinkled his with shredded unsweetened coconut and raisins.  He soon followed suit and tried a few bites before opting instead for Aunt Jenny's Spruce Tip Jelly on top of toast....  Those who wanted their curry hotter, sprinkled chopped jalapeƱos on top.

Hardy Appetit!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cream Puff Hot Fudge ...p104

Spending mother's day at Linda's meant serving up her boys' favorite Nana dessert: Cream Puffs with Hot Fudge!  Believe it or not, I had before never attempted this recipe, doubting that my own cream puffs would puff creating that vacuous hole in the middle that cried to be filled with something delicious (and preferably sweet).  Reproducing it for my Nana herself was even more intimidating.  Almost like Julie cooking one of Julia's recipes for Julia.  Oh my.

That being said, if you follow the recipe, it works!  The flour mixture pulled away from the pan in a glossy ball..........
the eggs were beat in one at a time; although here's where nana's skills came in to play - I had to have Tricia crack the eggs in while I beat as I couldn't do it fast enough....the egg would begin to cook before I could start beating....
and the puffs doubled in size as the hole within expanded!

My only faux pas was not ordering Sanders Hot Fudge weeks before to authenticate mom's recipe exactly.  They were still delicious, but Sanders makes it right. 

Hardy Appetit!

Grandma Geri's Wonderful Walnut Fudge ...p114

Very creamy and delicious - if you want a fudge that tastes yummy enough to slice and serve to your favorite people, this is a good choice.  While the boiling and stirring adds to the summer heat, thank God you don't have to wash your clothes this way!  I rather enjoyed watching the thick sludge bubble and burst....

Hardy Appetit!

Mother's Day Story - No.1

I'm a wee bit behind the actual date, but the recipes that come up next were made to honor my own mom, AKA our food critic (excluding the times my sweet husband substitutes for her while she's off partying elsewhere)!  One recipe is her own, and another her mother's. 

How will I remember these women?  No doubt the legacy of their faith.  My Grandmother Geri was a committed and devout Catholic woman, humble, demure and sweet.  She was in love with Jesus.  She was so in love and seemed so pure that we often felt she was a living saint.

My own mother struggled with this devotion of hers until she found herself falling in love with this same Jesus later in life.  Don't get me wrong, my mother practiced her religion with a passion during her children's younger years.  All seven of us kids grew up in the Catholic schools (some more than others), made our first communion, our confirmation, and confession every Saturday.  Saturday nights, my mother painstakingly polished scuffed shoes white, set the girls' hair in bobby-pins (along with her own), ensured our Sunday clothes were ironed, and, after we were tucked in bed, she managed to sneak in a bowl of freshly popped popcorn along with her beloved Pepsi (where, unlike the South, all drinks are NOT Cokes!).  Sometimes, she and dad would deviate from that - I think because we poor deprived little ones wouldn't smell the treat and peer longingly through the staircase rails when we were supposed to be in bed - and dip Oreos into hot tea.  Mmmmm.  Still one of my favorite indulgences.

Sunday mornings we were off to church, then often off to one of the grandparents' homes for breakfast; Sunday nights we said a family rosary, again, many times with the grandparents; we knelt at the family altar, found rose petals with the imprint of St. Theresa on them, had our statues of Mary and St. Francis grace the garden, and my mother tried to convert all our boyfriends or girlfriends to the Catholic faith, if, God forbid, they weren't already Catholics.  (Here she was a bit permissive with even allowing her own children to date outside the faith, as mom always resented that her own dear and bestest friend, an Episcopalian, was not permitted by the Church to stand up at her wedding.)

As I said, my mom practiced her religion with a passion, until she found a passionate relationship.  More on that later.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mahi Mahi with Cilantro Pesto ...p52

Were there one recipe that generated unanimous Yums around the dinner table, this is it!  So absolutely delicious, I wanted to make it again the very next night, and, actually, I found one tiny piece of leftover fish in the refrigerator a couple days later....and it was just as delicious as the night it was served.  Make it, make it, make it.  I even used frozen mahi mahi, not fresh, so don't let the fact that you can't find a fish market, stop you!  Hit Krogers or HEB and find the frozen fillets.  And doesn't this cilantro pesto make your mouth water?
Hardy Appetit!

Louisiana Round Steak ...p41

Well, this is a bummer.  I just made this recipe and realized the critic is not here to taste the entree!  I do hope my imaginary audience (haha!  are you there?) will forgive me if the yum or yukka comes tonight from my husband; you see, it was supposed to be made the night we were having family to dinner - when Nana was here...but alas, family means barbecue to my husband and my recipe was bumped!  Tonight he, therefore, becomes the critic!

Hardy Appetit!