Saturday, October 30, 2010


Okay, so Ketchup is no longer just a kitchen necessity, but what I must do with my blog!

I've had a rough few weeks finding any extra time - I don't know why, other than fall brings so many demands on the mother of a senior!!!  For one, we unwittingly volunteered for what is probably one of the most time consuming Project Graduation fundraisers - the Flamingo Drill!  We thought it'd be a fun get together with other seniors to "land" flamingos on people's yards, but didn't dream having two sets of these creatures would entail driving anywhere in town almost every night to plant or pick up little pink birds!  The first night we were called back very late (think almost midnight) to retrieve the poor little wooden birdies before the recipient shoots.  We weren't sure if he was talking about us or them!  After a whole month, however, he was the only sourpuss, we're ready to pass them on to another sucker...I mean parent... and we've collected a nice donation to the seniors' graduation party.  Thanks, everyone. 

Fall almost means harvest, and though I have a tiny, tiny garden, I've been busy reaping, sowing cooler weather veggies and flowers, scattering hopeful spring flower seeds and making an attempt to can.  I've frozen tons of pesto and I'm lovin' the Okra!

So "Ketchup" is what I've done tonight, though writing about six different recipes doesn't quite keep me on task to finish in a year...but by golly, I'll try!  Be sure to try them yourself and add your own comments!

Hardy Appetit!

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