Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pregame Previews

Tonight and tomorrow cooks all over the states will be fussing over finger foods and half-time meals!  I'm no different, though we will be watching the game with just the family. 

Okay, just.  They like Superbowl food too! And Nana's a diehard Saints fan.  I predict the Colts by 3 but would love it if the Saints would bring home the gold....I suspect Manning wouldn't mind that either.

This reminds me of my youngest son Jon's unfortunate placement in the sibling line-up - he follows his brother Justin.  So when I get tongue-tied trying to address Jon, I inevitably start with Just and end with Jon - a name he uses to his advantage in the sympathy game - "I know, I know, I'm Just-Jon!"  

But back to food,  I plan to try these tomorrow - a week's quota in a day!   I'll keep you posted:

Kimber's 7-layer Dip
Healthy Potato Skins
Italian Chicken
Pecan Tassies.

Stay tuned.  Don't go hungry.

1 comment:

  1. Who dat??? Colts, by three? How'd that work out for ya?? Ha Ha!!! Go Saints !!! This is the coolest Lor!!! You need to go Pro!!! Incrediblely delicious (Lucky Charms???? - Larry's recipe)
